Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Data Caching in 5 minutes using Redis in Azure

What is caching?

Before I get into how to use Redis to cache data, it is important to understand what is caching and why we need it. To describe caching simply it is a way to store data in a more accessible way to increase performance. Probably the most common example is how a browser caches a site's images, CSS, and JavaScript files. It does this by storing the data locally to speed up web pages by not having to go out to the server and download them on every call.

Storing large files like images makes sense, but how can that thought process be applied to our back end systems? As business logic gets more complex, systems are making more calls to databases and sub systems than ever before. These calls and data manipulations take time, and by caching the results the applications performance will dramatically increase as the application doesn't have to waste time fetching data and manipulating the results every time someone needs it.

When to use caching.

So when should I use caching? If the data is not live how can we trust it? Why not just call the database every time if SQL is fast? These are all good questions, and caching is not a one size fit all answer. Usually caching is done in memory since it is faster than disk i/o , but this means storage is limited and more expensive.  We need to ask ourselves if it makes sense to cache this item. Below are a few questions that we need to ask ourselves before adding the complexity of caching.

  1. Will caching speed up the call? Why add an extra fail point if we do not see any improvements.

  2. Does the data change often? If the data is constantly changing our cache will become outdated very quickly and that would remove the point of the cache.

  3. Is the data accessed often? Memory is expensive, why store something that no one sees.

  4. Do I have more than one server? This is more of a how do I cache my data question. Having more than 1 server adds complexity to the system and if you cache directly to the server it means caching of the data will be out of sync and could cause issues for users between calls.
If the above questions are a yes, then caching is a good choice to lessen the burden on our other systems. 

How do I cache my data?

It has been decided caching is necessary to increase performance, how should the data be cached? Below is a diagram of how a cache flow should work.

If a small service is needing to cache data, then using MemoryCache is an easy way to start. Memory Cache will not scale out with your system and it will become quickly unusable. Our in memory cache's will not be synced so things like session data will be lost when a user hits a different server.

Using a separate service for caching will allow us to scale our system outwards and continue to keep a stateless web site. What is a stateless website? This means our backend does not have knowledge of previous actions. So if we are trying to keep track of a user's session we would use a session Id  with all calls to track the user' session independent of each transaction. This becomes extremely useful when dealing with microservices. Each service is developed independently usually with it's own database, so by using a session id our service can call the session service to pull user's session information and validate the call.

This is where Redis comes into play. Redis is a caching database that can be deployed and scaled independently of  the application. It is important to remember caching should not replace your persistent database storage, it should be treated as a temporary repository. 

Creating a Redis Caching database in 5 minutes.

In this blog, we will be using an instance of Redis deployed to Azure. Setup is easy search for "Azure Cache for Redis" and select your instance size.

Azure Setup

Using Redis Cache in 5 minutes

For this example we have two use cases to use Redis Cache. One to track our session and one to optimize a "complex" database call and cache it in Redis to improve performance.

To start, a web application is needed for pulling information. For this example, I will be reusing the database and tables creating in my previous blog post for email tracking which can be found here:  https://www.fiveminutecoder.com/2021/05/create-email-tracking-campaign-using.html. Once the databases are setup, the next step is to create the web application.

dotnet new mvc --n "RedisCacheExample"

For the site I have two pages, the Home page and the page to view the summary of email campaigns. These pages are pretty basic, so for brevity of the blog they will be omitted. If you would like to see the code please visit the repository at the end of the blog. The home page has a pseudo login page to create our session. I am not authenticating to anything just collecting the session data before moving to the campaign screen. The campaign screen requires a valid session id otherwise it will redirect to the home page to create a session.

For the session, I am using Redis only. Sessions are temporary and once a user leaves a website or is inactive the session needs to expire.  I have it configured for 10 minutes. If there is 10 minutes of inactivity a new session is required to continue. For a more secure site, long polling JavaScript can auto sign out a user by checking session status every minute or so. Below you will find the postback that create our session data in Redis.

[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public async Task Index(SessionModel Model)
	//creates a unique session id
	Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid();

	//This is a 5 minute project so we are going to code in controller
	//Create connection to Redis
	using(ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""))

		//Get database, this returns default database
		var db = redis.GetDatabase();

		//add session information to Redis with a 10 minute expiration time
		await db.StringSetAsync(sessionId.ToString(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model),TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));


	//Session created, now go to campaigns
	return RedirectToAction("Index", "Campaigns", new { SessionId=sessionId.ToString()});

With our user information collected and our session created we will now move to the campaigns page. This is where I make my SQL call to pull in the campaigns. This example might not be the most performance hungry SQL call but it is complex enough that caching helps with performance.

async Task> GetCampaigns()
	//Replace with your sql connection string
	string cs = "";

	//List to hold our campaigns
	List types = new List();

	//connct to sql
	using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs))
		//Open our SQL connection

		//complex SQL query worthy of being cached
		using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"select Count(dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign) EmailsOpened, dbo.campaigns.CampaignId, dbo.campaigns.Subject from dbo.campaign_tracking
												right join  dbo.campaigns on dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign = dbo.campaigns.CampaignId
												Group By  dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign, dbo.campaigns.CampaignId, dbo.campaigns.Subject", connection))

			//execute query
			SqlDataReader reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
			while(await reader.ReadAsync())
				//object for storing campaign information
				CampaignTypes type = new CampaignTypes()
					CampaignId = reader["CampaignId"]!= null ? reader["CampaignId"].ToString() : "invalid id",
					Subject = reader["Subject"] != null ? reader["Subject"].ToString() : "Subject not found",
					EmailCount = reader["EmailsOpened"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["EmailsOpened"]) : 0


		//close connection

	//return our list of campaigns
	return types;

In our Campaigns controller, I have setup a basic Cache-Aside pattern for pulling our data. What you see in our action is check if the data exists in our Redis Cache Database, if it doesn't get the data from SQL and update Redis. 

public async Task Index(string Sessionid)
	//Create a connection to Redis
	using(ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""))
		//Get Redis Database
		var db = redis.GetDatabase();

		//set viewmodel so they it is not null for our view
		CampaignsModel campaigns = new CampaignsModel()
		  CampaignTypes = new List(),
		  Session = new SessionModel()  

		//Check is session id exists in redis
		if(await db.KeyExistsAsync(Sessionid))
			//session id exists in Redis check for campaign cache in redis
			if(await db.KeyExistsAsync("CampaignTypes"))
				//campaigns are cached, get data from redis
				var campaignCache  = await db.StringGetAsync("CampaignTypes");
				campaigns.CampaignTypes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(campaignCache);
				//campaigns are not cached, get campaigns from SQL
				campaigns.CampaignTypes = await GetCampaigns();

				//save campaigns to Redis for future use
				await db.StringSetAsync("CampaignTypes", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(campaigns.CampaignTypes), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

			//pull session information from Redis
			var session = await db.StringGetAsync(Sessionid);
			campaigns.Session = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(session);
			campaigns.Session.Id = Sessionid;

			//A refresh of the page should extend our session open by 10 minutes
			await db.KeyExpireAsync(Sessionid, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

			return View(campaigns);
			//session expired
			return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

The result is a basic table that shows our list campaigns and the number of emails opened from the campaign.

Clone the project

You can find the full project on my GitHub site here https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/RedisCacheExample

C#, dotnet, dotnet core, .NET, MVC, Razor, Redis, Cache, Caching, Cache Database, Microsoft, .Net Core, .Net 5, .Net Framework, SQL
C#, C sharp, machine learning, ML.NET, dotnet core, dotnet, O365, Office 365, developer, development, Azure, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, NLP, Natural Language Programming, Microsoft, SharePoint, Teams, custom software development, sharepoint specialist, chat GPT,artificial intelligence, AI

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