Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Data Caching in 5 minutes using Redis in Azure

What is caching?

Before I get into how to use Redis to cache data, it is important to understand what is caching and why we need it. To describe caching simply it is a way to store data in a more accessible way to increase performance. Probably the most common example is how a browser caches a site's images, CSS, and JavaScript files. It does this by storing the data locally to speed up web pages by not having to go out to the server and download them on every call.

Storing large files like images makes sense, but how can that thought process be applied to our back end systems? As business logic gets more complex, systems are making more calls to databases and sub systems than ever before. These calls and data manipulations take time, and by caching the results the applications performance will dramatically increase as the application doesn't have to waste time fetching data and manipulating the results every time someone needs it.

When to use caching.

So when should I use caching? If the data is not live how can we trust it? Why not just call the database every time if SQL is fast? These are all good questions, and caching is not a one size fit all answer. Usually caching is done in memory since it is faster than disk i/o , but this means storage is limited and more expensive.  We need to ask ourselves if it makes sense to cache this item. Below are a few questions that we need to ask ourselves before adding the complexity of caching.

  1. Will caching speed up the call? Why add an extra fail point if we do not see any improvements.

  2. Does the data change often? If the data is constantly changing our cache will become outdated very quickly and that would remove the point of the cache.

  3. Is the data accessed often? Memory is expensive, why store something that no one sees.

  4. Do I have more than one server? This is more of a how do I cache my data question. Having more than 1 server adds complexity to the system and if you cache directly to the server it means caching of the data will be out of sync and could cause issues for users between calls.
If the above questions are a yes, then caching is a good choice to lessen the burden on our other systems. 

How do I cache my data?

It has been decided caching is necessary to increase performance, how should the data be cached? Below is a diagram of how a cache flow should work.

If a small service is needing to cache data, then using MemoryCache is an easy way to start. Memory Cache will not scale out with your system and it will become quickly unusable. Our in memory cache's will not be synced so things like session data will be lost when a user hits a different server.

Using a separate service for caching will allow us to scale our system outwards and continue to keep a stateless web site. What is a stateless website? This means our backend does not have knowledge of previous actions. So if we are trying to keep track of a user's session we would use a session Id  with all calls to track the user' session independent of each transaction. This becomes extremely useful when dealing with microservices. Each service is developed independently usually with it's own database, so by using a session id our service can call the session service to pull user's session information and validate the call.

This is where Redis comes into play. Redis is a caching database that can be deployed and scaled independently of  the application. It is important to remember caching should not replace your persistent database storage, it should be treated as a temporary repository. 

Creating a Redis Caching database in 5 minutes.

In this blog, we will be using an instance of Redis deployed to Azure. Setup is easy search for "Azure Cache for Redis" and select your instance size.

Azure Setup

Using Redis Cache in 5 minutes

For this example we have two use cases to use Redis Cache. One to track our session and one to optimize a "complex" database call and cache it in Redis to improve performance.

To start, a web application is needed for pulling information. For this example, I will be reusing the database and tables creating in my previous blog post for email tracking which can be found here:  https://www.fiveminutecoder.com/2021/05/create-email-tracking-campaign-using.html. Once the databases are setup, the next step is to create the web application.

dotnet new mvc --n "RedisCacheExample"

For the site I have two pages, the Home page and the page to view the summary of email campaigns. These pages are pretty basic, so for brevity of the blog they will be omitted. If you would like to see the code please visit the repository at the end of the blog. The home page has a pseudo login page to create our session. I am not authenticating to anything just collecting the session data before moving to the campaign screen. The campaign screen requires a valid session id otherwise it will redirect to the home page to create a session.

For the session, I am using Redis only. Sessions are temporary and once a user leaves a website or is inactive the session needs to expire.  I have it configured for 10 minutes. If there is 10 minutes of inactivity a new session is required to continue. For a more secure site, long polling JavaScript can auto sign out a user by checking session status every minute or so. Below you will find the postback that create our session data in Redis.

[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public async Task Index(SessionModel Model)
	//creates a unique session id
	Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid();

	//This is a 5 minute project so we are going to code in controller
	//Create connection to Redis
	using(ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""))

		//Get database, this returns default database
		var db = redis.GetDatabase();

		//add session information to Redis with a 10 minute expiration time
		await db.StringSetAsync(sessionId.ToString(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model),TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));


	//Session created, now go to campaigns
	return RedirectToAction("Index", "Campaigns", new { SessionId=sessionId.ToString()});

With our user information collected and our session created we will now move to the campaigns page. This is where I make my SQL call to pull in the campaigns. This example might not be the most performance hungry SQL call but it is complex enough that caching helps with performance.

async Task> GetCampaigns()
	//Replace with your sql connection string
	string cs = "";

	//List to hold our campaigns
	List types = new List();

	//connct to sql
	using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs))
		//Open our SQL connection

		//complex SQL query worthy of being cached
		using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"select Count(dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign) EmailsOpened, dbo.campaigns.CampaignId, dbo.campaigns.Subject from dbo.campaign_tracking
												right join  dbo.campaigns on dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign = dbo.campaigns.CampaignId
												Group By  dbo.campaign_tracking.Campaign, dbo.campaigns.CampaignId, dbo.campaigns.Subject", connection))

			//execute query
			SqlDataReader reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
			while(await reader.ReadAsync())
				//object for storing campaign information
				CampaignTypes type = new CampaignTypes()
					CampaignId = reader["CampaignId"]!= null ? reader["CampaignId"].ToString() : "invalid id",
					Subject = reader["Subject"] != null ? reader["Subject"].ToString() : "Subject not found",
					EmailCount = reader["EmailsOpened"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["EmailsOpened"]) : 0


		//close connection

	//return our list of campaigns
	return types;

In our Campaigns controller, I have setup a basic Cache-Aside pattern for pulling our data. What you see in our action is check if the data exists in our Redis Cache Database, if it doesn't get the data from SQL and update Redis. 

public async Task Index(string Sessionid)
	//Create a connection to Redis
	using(ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""))
		//Get Redis Database
		var db = redis.GetDatabase();

		//set viewmodel so they it is not null for our view
		CampaignsModel campaigns = new CampaignsModel()
		  CampaignTypes = new List(),
		  Session = new SessionModel()  

		//Check is session id exists in redis
		if(await db.KeyExistsAsync(Sessionid))
			//session id exists in Redis check for campaign cache in redis
			if(await db.KeyExistsAsync("CampaignTypes"))
				//campaigns are cached, get data from redis
				var campaignCache  = await db.StringGetAsync("CampaignTypes");
				campaigns.CampaignTypes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(campaignCache);
				//campaigns are not cached, get campaigns from SQL
				campaigns.CampaignTypes = await GetCampaigns();

				//save campaigns to Redis for future use
				await db.StringSetAsync("CampaignTypes", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(campaigns.CampaignTypes), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

			//pull session information from Redis
			var session = await db.StringGetAsync(Sessionid);
			campaigns.Session = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(session);
			campaigns.Session.Id = Sessionid;

			//A refresh of the page should extend our session open by 10 minutes
			await db.KeyExpireAsync(Sessionid, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

			return View(campaigns);
			//session expired
			return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

The result is a basic table that shows our list campaigns and the number of emails opened from the campaign.

Clone the project

You can find the full project on my GitHub site here https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/RedisCacheExample

C#, dotnet, dotnet core, .NET, MVC, Razor, Redis, Cache, Caching, Cache Database, Microsoft, .Net Core, .Net 5, .Net Framework, SQL

Monday, May 17, 2021

Create an Email Tracking Campaign using Azure Functions

Email Campaigning

Have you ever received an email and opened it, only to receive another email that is tailored more toward what you viewed? This is email targeted campaigning, ands can be done in several ways. A campaign email system allows you to track several points of interaction with an email to gain the most insights from a users. The basics are, is the email sent, did the user open the email, and what links did the user click, along with how many times the email was opened or clicked by the user. Tracking who is sent an email can be easily handled with our code, if the email does not error out it was sent. Tracking a link click is easy too, each link inside the email can be formed to include a unique identifier and user information from the campaign system the interaction.. But what happens if you don't click a link how does the company know you were interested? There must be something in the email to do this? 

Simple, an image. These images are usually referred to as 0 pixel images which are image tags that reference a URL instead of an image. So when the email loads the image it is actually logging the interaction with the email.

In this post, we are going to create an email campaign system in 5 minutes.

Creating an Email Campaign in 5 Minutes

Setup SQL

The first thing we need to do to setup our email campaign is create a database to capture our campaign details. I will be using Azure SQL  to do this. This is pretty straight forward, choose your plan and follow the steps. Once done, make sure to add your IP to the firewall. You will need at least one SQL database to add our tables.

For this post, we will be setting up 3 simple tables, one for creating a campaign, one for tracking if an email is sent, and one for tracking if an email is opened. Thee commands can be run from SQL Server management studio or the Query Editor Preview (at the time of this writing) feature in the Azure SQL section .

CREATE TABLE Campaigns(CampaignId nchar(36) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Subject nvarchar(255) NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE sent_tracking(SentID nchar(36) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Email nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, Sent bit NOT NULL, Campaign nchar(36) NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Campaigns(CampaignId))
CREATE TABLE campaign_tracking(TrackingId nchar(36) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Email nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, OpenDate datetime NOT NULL, Campaign nchar(36) NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Campaigns(CampaignId))

Setup Azure Function

With our SQL database setup, we can now create an Azure function for tracking our emails that our opened. I will be using a VS code extension for creating the Azure Function this will allow me to create and deploy my function to Azure. This extension is aptly named "Azure Functions". 

With our add-in installed, we can create and setup our Azure Function. If prompted, sign in to your Azure account. once you see your Azure subscription, click the lightning bolt with a plus next to it to create the function.

You will be asked a series of questions, the first is the language to create the function, this post I will use C#.

Next, VS Code will ask what type of function I want. I want the function to execute every time it is called, so HTTPTrigger is the project type.

The function needs a name, for the purposes of this blog I will name it EmailTrackingFunction. A namespace will be required as well.

Finally, Azure wants to know how to secure the function, no credentials will be used so it will be anonymous for this example. 

Our Azure function will capture the user's email address and what time they opened the email. Every time the email image is loaded, our system will make an entry into our SQL database.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

public static class EmailTrackingFunction
        public static HttpResponseData Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req,
            FunctionContext executionContext)
            var logger = executionContext.GetLogger("EmailTrackingFunction");

            // create connection to local settings
            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                        .AddJsonFile("local.settings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
            string cs = config.GetConnectionString("EmailTrackingDB");

            //connect to sql db
            using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs))

                //insert our tracking data into our database
                var queryStrings = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(req.Url.Query);
                using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO campaign_tracking (TrackingId, Email, OpenDate, Campaign) Values(@TrackingId, @Email, @OpenDate, @Campaign)", connection))
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TrackingId", Guid.NewGuid());
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", queryStrings.Get("Email").ToString());//email that opened link
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OpenDate",DateTime.Now); //time email was opened
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Campaign", queryStrings.Get("Campaign").ToString()); //ID linked to another table with campaign details


                    //log that email entry was made
                    logger.LogInformation("Logged {0}", queryStrings.Get("Email").ToString());


           //create a successful response to return in the function
            var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            return response;

In order to connect to the SQL database, we must reference our connection string. When running locally, we can setup our local.settings.json file to read the connection string. This file does not deploy to Azure, but will allow you to setup a config to mimic the configuration settings in Azure.

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
    "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet-isolated"
  "ConnectionStrings" : {
    "EmailTrackingDB": "{sql connection string}"

With the function created, the final step is to deploy it to Azure. To do this, click the Up arrow in our add-in. If this is the first deployment, it will ask to create the Azure Function or select an existing one. 

Now when you log back into Azure, you should see your newly created function under app services. The final thing we must do is configure the connection string in Azure, since the local.settings.json file will not deploy to our function. Inside the configuration of our function, there is a section for connection strings. All that needs to be done is copying and pasting the connection string here and save the updated configuration.

Create Console App for sending emails

The email tracking function is now setup, but in order to test the function an email job must be created. To do this, I will just create a console application that sends emails through Gmail. Gmail allows us to create a SMTP connection and send out emails using that email address. The trick is to allow the app to send emails by allowing less secure connections.

With Gmail configured, we can create our app. I am using SMTP to send the email. Along with creating the entries for our campaign so that we can track how many people open the email.

For our example to work we need to create a campaign with a unique id and then send and email. We will just do a simple insert into SQL to create our campaign, then we will take our unique ID and append it to a URL for our image to call back to the Azure function.

Before creating the function, the project will need references to SQL Client and Mail Client

using System;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

Once the reference  to the clients are added, a function for inserting data into the campaign will be needed.

static string CreateCampaign(string Subject)
	//Replace with your sql connection string
	string cs = "Server=tcp:sqlconnection,1433;Initial Catalog=trackingdata;Persist Security Info=False;User ID={sql user};Password={sql password};MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;";
	string campaignId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
	using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs))
		//insert our data into our campaing table to track what campaigns are sent.
		using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Campaigns (CampaignId, Subject) Values(@CampaingId, @Subject)", connection))
			cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CampaingId", campaignId);
			cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Subject", Subject);//email that opened link



	//return our Unique campaign id
	return campaignId;

Inside the main function, I will call the SQL function that returns a unique id and append it to the URL. Then to test I will send the URL to 1 email address.

static void Main(string[] args)

	string subject = "Testing Pixel";
	string fromEmail = "{from email}"; //replace with who is sending email
	string toEmail = "{to email}"; //test, this would usually be a list of users
	string campaignId = CreateCampaign(subject); //creates the campaign and returns guid
	string baseUrl = "https://{azure function}/api/EmailTrackingFunction"; //our azure function url
	string imgUrl = $"{baseUrl}?Email={toEmail}&Campaign={campaignId}";// our url for our image

	//connect to gmail
	using(SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com"))
		client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(fromEmail, "from email password");
		client.Port =587;
		client.EnableSsl = true;

		//create our email
		using(MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(fromEmail, toEmail))
			msg.Subject = subject;
			msg.Body = $"Mass mailout";
			msg.IsBodyHtml = true;


			//would log time/date email was sent in a database here

That's it, we now have a successful email campaign system for sending and tracking mass mailouts. 

Clone the project

You can find the full project on my GitHub site here https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/EmailTracker

Microsoft, C#,C Sharp, Authentication, Azure Functions, SMTP, GMail, Azure App, application, SQL, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Transact-SQL, dot net, dot net core CMS, Content Management System

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Securing a Microsoft Teams Tab using Azure Active Directory

Custom Teams Tabs

Microsoft O365 has expanded the ecosystem of the traditional office suite with many niche tools. Teams is a tool that has evolved out of that niche into a system that helps pull the office apps into one easy to use area. Teams replaces Skype as the primary chat tool, but it also lets you access SharePoint sites, your OneDrive, planner, and other apps. 

The primary way of accessing apps is through tabs. Tabs are just fancy I Frames that let you embed web pages into Teams. One of the benefits of embedding the page into Teams is the ability to access the user's profile data from Azure. We can get a user's UPN and pull general information about a user and the Team where the tab is opened.

Since we can embed custom pages into the tab, we can now have full blown web applications embedded into the O365 environment. This poses a challenge for security; how do I authenticate the user seamlessly with O365 and my web application? The answer is Azure AD. We can secure our application using Azure AD and then use the Microsoft Teams Client SDK to authenticate to our web application using a supplied id token that can be requested in the Teams Tab using the Microsft Teams SDK.

Authentication using Teams

The Microsoft Teams SDK will allow us to request an ID token that can be passed to our web application to secure our application. There are some caveats such as the Microsoft Teams SDK still uses ADAL to authenticate. This means, we are limited to what we can access in Office 365 with the access token that is also provided. This seems par for the course as the SharePoint client object model and REST services use ADAL with no news on upgrading. ADAL also poses an issue with some more modern browsers, as it requires 3rd party cookies to be active. Luckily Teams is in a corporate environment and can be easily controlled.

Another thing to take into account, is that in order to display a page in Teams it must be anonymous. The page needs to load so that it can call the APIs that provide the login information. This means that any secure data must be behind an API call instead of the standard view you would get with an MVC site. You might be able to use a Challenge Result to sign in the user, but from my experience that usually pops up the Microsoft Login page again which can cause issues in the Teams app because you are redirecting in an I Frame which will cause cross scripting errors.

Configure Azure for Authentication

In order to use Azure AD to authenticate our system, we need to register our application with Azure AD. In your Azure portal, go to the Azure AD section and find App Registrations. I will be creating an application called Teams Authentication.

In the new registration screen I will name my app Teams Authentication. Supported accounts will vary based on your requirements for the app. For this example I will choose my organization's directory only. Next I will add a redirect URI. This is the sign in URI for our application, it will be "https://localhost:5001/signin/signinend". This URI will need to be updated once we test as it is where Microsoft will redirect our tokens. Reminder: spelling and casing count! If your URL is all lowercase here it must be all lowercase in the call to access the token.

With your newly registered app, in the overview screen you will see a client ID. This is needed to create a call to authenticate our application. You can also get your tenant ID here as well to make calls directly to the tenant and create a tenant specific token as opposed to using the common login URL. Also, to authenticate to our web application we will need our appplication to return an Access Token and ID token. This can be selected in the authentication section of the app.

For this example, we will also be authenticating with the Graph API. Our token generated from Teams is limited to what it can access from graph, so we will want to create another app that interacts with Microsoft graph itself. We just want to show how you can authenticate to the web application and make a secure call so our application will be using application permissions to access graph. We will only need User.Read.All for this. The process is similar to above, but will require a secret to be generated for the application. I have done this in a previous post here:  https://www.fiveminutecoder.com/2021/03/creating-azure-document-queue-for.html

Create our tab in 5 minutes

With our app registered with Azure AD we can start to setup our application. First thing we need to do is create our MVC application

dotnet new mvc --name OfficeEmployeeDirectory

Our application will use JWT to authenticate, so we need to install the Microsoft identity model, along with the JWT packages. In order to do this, we will need to install the following DLLs from Nuget.

  1. Microsoft.Identity.Web
  2. Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI
  3. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
  4. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
  5. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.UI
  6. Microsoft.Graph

Next, we will setup or app settings file with our app settings from Azure. We will create 2 sections for our apps. In the AzureAD section notice for the tenant I have common setup. This is used to allow multiple tenants access to your site, if you want only one you can put your tenant ID here, which can be found in the app registration overview. Also, the client id begins with api:// this is because the default auth method is 1.0 if you are using a later authentication method this might not be necessary. Audience in this section is the same as your client id.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "SignInUrl": "https://localhost:5001/Signin/SigninStart",
  "ReturnUrl": "https://localhost:5001/signin/signinend",
  "AzureAd": {
    "Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
    "Domain": "https://localhost:5001",
    "ClientId": "api://{client id}",
    "TenantId": "common",
    "CallbackPath": "/signin/signinend",
    "Audience": "{client id}",
    "Scopes" : "access_as_user access_as_admin",
    "AllowWebApiToBeAuthorizedByACL" : true
    "TenantId": "{tenant id}",
    "ClientId": "{client id for graph app}",
    "clientSecret": "{client secret for graph app}"

With our configurations setup, we can update our Startup.cs file to now allow an id token to be passed. We will be using JWTBearer authentication to validate our token.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

	//authentication starts here
	services.AddAuthentication(options =>{
		options.DefaultScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme; //using JWT token auth
	  .AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi(Configuration.GetSection("AzureAd")) //auth will act like a web api, otherwise our app tries to popup another login screen which is blocked


	services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
	  //add authenticated user to secure the app
	  var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
	  options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));

Microsoft wants our apps to be transparent, in other words apps require consent. Most of the time this can be granted by the admin, but user consent is required when making calls on the behalf of the users. So in order to login using Azure AD we need to setup login and logout pages that can make calls to Azure AD. There are settings to make this request silently, but takes time to configure and catch those types of calls. So in this case, we will show the login window. To do this we will create a controller called "Signin". In a production setting this would be your authenticate controller but for this blog I changed it so we could understand more what is happening. 

To sign in we have 2 pages SigninStart and SigninEnd, so in order to do this we will need to add some actions to our controller. Please note, these need to be anonymous to make the call.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using OfficeEmployeeDirectory.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

namespace OfficeEmployeeDirectory.Controllers
    //just controls the login views routing
    public class SigninController: Controller
        private IConfiguration configuration;
        public SigninController(IConfiguration Configuration)
            configuration = Configuration;

        public ActionResult SigninStart()
            ViewBag.ReturnUrl = configuration.GetValue("ReturnUrl");
            ViewBag.ClientId = configuration.GetSection("AzureAd").GetValue("Audience");
            return View();

        public ActionResult SigninEnd()
            return View();

The authentication happens client side so our page will juse the Microsft Teams SDK to call out to Azure.

//calls the teams login
	let clientId = "@ViewBag.ClientId";
	if (clientId != undefined && clientId != null && clientId !== '') {
			let state = _guid();
			localStorage.setItem("simple.state", state);
			// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-protocols-implicit
			// for documentation on these query parameters

			let queryParams = {
				client_id: clientId,
				response_type: "id_token token", //what we want returned
				response_mode: "fragment",
				resource: "https://graph.microsoft.com/", //resource we need access to
				redirect_uri: "@ViewBag.ReturnUrl", //return url
				nonce: _guid(),//unique value to reference in callback so our app can validate it was us making the call
				state: state

			let authorizeEndpoint =
				"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?" +

	// Build query string from map of query parameter
	function toQueryString(queryParams) {
		let encodedQueryParams = [];
		for (let key in queryParams) {
				key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(queryParams[key])
		return encodedQueryParams.join("&");
	//Create a unique identifier to validate the callback
	function _guid() {
			let guidHolder = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
			let hex = "0123456789abcdef";
			let r = 0;
			let guidResponse = "";
			for (let i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
				if (guidHolder[i] !== "-" && guidHolder[i] !== "4") {
					// each x and y needs to be random
					r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
				if (guidHolder[i] === "x") {
					guidResponse += hex[r];
				} else if (guidHolder[i] === "y") {
					// clock-seq-and-reserved first hex is filtered and remaining hex values are random
					r &= 0x3; // bit and with 0011 to set pos 2 to zero ?0??
					r |= 0x8; // set pos 3 to 1 as 1???
					guidResponse += hex[r];
				} else {
					guidResponse += guidHolder[i];
			return guidResponse;

The call will then return a URL for our site that can is used to either show an error or return our token. We will use the Microsoft Teams SDK to return our tokens back to the calling page.

//sign in attempt finished, will parse query strings and save tokens to object
	let hashParams = getHashParameters();
	if (hashParams["error"]) {
		// Authentication/authorization failed
		localStorage.setItem("simple.error", JSON.stringify(hashParams));
		microsoftTeams.authentication.notifyFailure(hashParams["error"]); //notifies our main page of an issue
	} else if (hashParams["access_token"]) {
		// Get the stored state parameter and compare with incoming state
		let expectedState = localStorage.getItem("simple.state");
		if (expectedState !== hashParams["state"]) {
			// State does not match, report error
			localStorage.setItem("simple.error", JSON.stringify(hashParams));
		} else {
			// Success -- return token information to the parent page
				idToken: hashParams["id_token"],
				accessToken: hashParams["access_token"],
				tokenType: hashParams["token_type"],
				expiresIn: hashParams["expires_in"]
	} else {
		// Unexpected condition: hash does not contain error or access_token parameter
		localStorage.setItem("simple.error", JSON.stringify(hashParams));

	// Parse hash parameters into key-value pairs
	function getHashParameters() {
		let hashParams = {};
		location.hash.substr(1).split("&").forEach(function (item) {
			let s = item.split("="),
				k = s[0],
				v = s[1] && decodeURIComponent(s[1]);
			hashParams[k] = v;
		return hashParams;

We have our authentication ready, so the next step is to create an secure end point to call. I just added this to the Home index controller for brevity, this should be on a sperate controller with a /api route.

//our secure endpoint
public async Task GetDirectory()
		//pulls config data for our graph api
		string tenantId = configuration.GetSection("DirectoryApp").GetValue("TenantId"); //realm
		//some service account with graph api permissions
		string clientId = configuration.GetSection("DirectoryApp").GetValue("ClientId"); 
		//service account password
		string clientSecret = configuration.GetSection("DirectoryApp").GetValue("ClientSecret");; 
		string[] scopes = new string[] {"https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };

		//creates a header for accessing our graph api
		IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)
				.WithAuthority(new Uri("https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenantId))

		//gets token
		AuthenticationResult result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();

		//creates graph client
		GraphServiceClient client = new GraphServiceClient("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0", new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
		async (requestMessage) =>
			//adds token to header
			requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);

		//pulls all users who's account is enabled
		var users = await client.Users.Request().Filter("AccountEnabled eq true").GetAsync();

		return Json(users);

	catch(Exception ex)
		return BadRequest(ex.Message);

Finally, our app is ready to call our endpoint, on our home page, we will use the Microsoft Teams SDK to call our start page, then we will take the results and call our secured endpoint using the token.

    ViewData["Title"] = "Employee Directory";

        border:1px solid black;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        padding: 5px;

Employee Directory

label id="jsonResponse" label //script //run our script when window loads window.addEventListener("load", function(){ //load the microsoft teams SDK microsoftTeams.initialize(); //params for our login method authenticateParams = { successCallback: function(result){ var token = result["idToken"]; var access_token = result["accessToken"]; GetEmployeeDirectory(token); }, failureCallback: function(reason){ alert("failed: " + reason); }, height: 200, width: 200, url: "@ViewBag.SignInUrl" } //start authentication process microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate(authenticateParams); }); //success callback to our secure api function GetEmployeeDirectory(token){ fetch("/Home/GetDirectory", { method: "GET", headers: { "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose", "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose", "Authorization": "Bearer " + token } }) .then(response =>response.json()) .then(results =>{ // creates an html object to be rendered in our app for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){ let div = document.createElement("div") div.className = "card" div.append(results[i].displayName); div.append(document.createElement("br")) div.append( results[i].mail) div.append(document.createElement("br")) div.append(results[i].businessPhones.length > 0 ? results[i].businessPhones[0] : document.createElement("label")) document.getElementById("jsonResponse").append(div); } }); }

Testing our Tab in Microsoft Teams

If everything is setup correctly and you run the application you will not get the expected results. You will see the page pop up to login, close, and get an error stating "failed: CancelledByUser". This is because the application is not running in Microsoft Teams. In order to test our application we need to run it in Teams so we can pull the user context.

To test this in Teams, we need a public URL. We could publish our site to Azure, but that makes debugging difficult. So we will use a tool called NGROK, which can be found here, to create a tunnel to our local application. To get a public URL run the command below in the NGROK window.

ngrok http --host-header=rewrite 5000

With our public URL, we need to go back into Azure and update our application return URL. Remember casing counts here if it doesn't match what is in our application it will give an error. 

Next we need to update the application Return URL to match our new NGROK URL.

With our application ready, we can now open Teams and configure our app. Teams has an app called "App Studio" that allows us to create an XML config file for our app. 

Walking through the App config details page and fill in your information, it is straight forward. You can find mine in the code project. Next click the tab capabilities, we will add our URL's here. Click the new personal tab button and fill in the fields, for the Content URL use the NGROK URL. Everytime you make a change to the NGROK URL, you will need to update this manifest.

Now we can install the application, I am using the web client so I will install it using Publish. If you have the desktop client, you can side load applications. To do so, click Test and Distribute in app studio install or publish in your tenant.

You should now be able to use your app, click the ellipse below files to find your application. If it is not there, at the bottom of teams you will find Apps, search for the app there and install it.

That's It! We now have a secure Teams tab using Azure AD.

Clone the project

You can find the full project on my GitHub site here https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/OfficeEmployeeDirectory

Microsoft, Teams, Microsoft Teams, C#,C Sharp, Authentication, JWT, id token, access token, token, Teams Authentication, Microsoft teams SDK, teams sdk, Teams App, Teams Tab, five minute coder, Microsoft Graph, Azure AD, Azure Active Directory, Azure App, application,

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Create a FAQ Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework

What is the Microsoft Bot framework?

The Microsoft Bot Framework is a set of APIs that simplifies the process of creating a chat bot using C#. The bot framework us set up a web service or Azure function that allows for interacting with a user via chat. The bot framework has several features for integrating chat bots with Microsoft Teams, Skype, and other Microsoft products. While the framework is geared toward Microsoft integration with Teams, it can be used as a stand alone bot system that can control: user flow, group chats, etc. 

Bots use JSON to write back and forth to the web service, but interpreters like Teams will recognize certain JSON objects, such as cards, and display them in a unique way without any styling. The framework also has a feature that allows for conversation flow called dialogs. This will manage a user's conversation flow and allow for more complex interactions like booking a hotel room, or implementing a pizza ordering system. 

Create a Bot in 5 Minutes

This example is going to build off of a previous example where we developed a NLP faq application. If you have not read the NLP example, please do so before beginning since we will use a lot of the codebase from this example. The NLP example can be found here: https://fiveminutecoder.blogspot.com/2020/08/using-mlnet-to-create-natural-language.html.  Before creating our chatbot, we need to get the bot templates. There are several starting templates to choose from, for this example we will use the echo bot. This bot template just writes back to the chat what you type in which is perfect for our demo since we do not need any dialog flow. To install the template we just need to run the following commands.

dotnet new -i Microsoft.Bot.Framework.CSharp.EchoBot
dotnet new echobot -n BotFrameworkFAQBot

Once we have our framework setup, we need to install the Nuget package Microsoft.ML. This will allow us to use ML.NET to process our questions and post an answer.

From the NLP example we will want to bring over several items. The first being our trained machine learning model which we saved earlier called FAQModel.zip. We will also need our Prediction data model and our FAQ data model. 

using Microsoft.ML.Data;

namespace EchoBot.Bots
    public class FAQModel
        [ColumnName("Question"), LoadColumn(0)]
        public string Question {get;set;}
        [ColumnName("Answer"), LoadColumn(1)]
        public string Answer {get;set;}

using Microsoft.ML.Data;

namespace EchoBot.Bots
    public class PredictionModel
        public string PredictedAnswer {get;set;}
        public float[] Score {get;set;}

With our data moved from the previous project, we can go ahead and rename the EchoBot.cs to FAQBot.cs. This will break any dependency injection that is setup by our service, so we will need to go to the startup.cs and change the services.AddTransient<IBot, Bots.EchoBot>() to services.AddTransient<IBot, Bots.FAQBot>() 

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

	// Create the Bot Framework Adapter with error handling enabled.

	// Create the bot as a transient. In this case the ASP Controller is expecting an IBot.

Our machine learning model is pretrained, so since this information is static we will create a singleton instance of our prediction engine . This way we do not have to read the file from filestream every time we want to predict an answer. 

//context or our machine learning model
static MLContext context;
//used to read and predict our questions
static PredictionEngine predictionEngine;

//creating a private staitc constructor
//Our model is not changing so it doesnt make sense to keep opening it and reading the zip for performance
static FAQBot()
	//structure of our data model
	DataViewSchema modelSchema;
	//the model loaded for prediction
	ITransformer trainedModel;
	context = new MLContext();

	//load our file
	using(Stream s = File.Open("FAQModel.zip", FileMode.Open))
		trainedModel = context.Model.Load(s, out modelSchema);

	//creates our prediction engine
	predictionEngine = context.Model.CreatePredictionEngine(trainedModel);


Now that our constructor on class are in place and loaded, all we need to do is call the predict function for our question and display the outputs. We want to ensure that we have some confidence in our predictions so we will check the score and only display the output if the prediction score over 60% confident. If not we will give the user a list of choices to choose from. 

protected override async Task OnMessageActivityAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
	//creates our FAQ model
	FAQModel question = new FAQModel()
		Question = turnContext.Activity.Text,//gets text from bot
		Answer = ""

	//uses our trained model to predict our answer
	PredictionModel prediction = FAQBot.predictionEngine.Predict(question);

	//accuracy of prediction
	float score = prediction.Score.Max() * 100;

	//gonna check if we were accurate,if below a threshold we will ask them to clarify
	if(score > 60)
		//sends our answer back to the bot
		await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(prediction.PredictedAnswer), cancellationToken);
		await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"We think our answer to your question is this accurate: {score}%"), cancellationToken);
		//sends them suggestions that are clickable
		await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, we didnt understand the question, please try selecting a question below"), cancellationToken);
		string[] actions = {"What are your hours?","How can I reach you?", "What payments do you accept?"};
		await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.SuggestedActions(actions), cancellationToken);

Our chatbot is now finished. SendActivityAsync allows us to send a message back to the user. this can be called at any time during the process and is helpful for long running processes. Microsoft also provides us a set of activities, found in the MessageFactory, for interacting with users. We can easily send images, cards, or attachments using the different types found in the factory.

Testing the Chatbot

With our bot endpoint setup, we now need to test it out. Microsoft provides a tool for emulating a bot system which you can find here: https://github.com/microsoft/BotFramework-Emulator/releases. The emulator will emulate a Teams chat so you can see how the responses will interact with Teams and other Microsoft products. Download the latest version, and run the application. Once the emulator is running, open your site by the URL http://localhost:{port}/api/messages. You should see a successful connection and the message "Hello and welcome!" This comes from our bot's "OnMemberAddesAsync" function found in the FAQBot.cs file. The final step is to ask the bot a question and test out the functionality.

Clone the project

You can find the complete project here: https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/FAQBot
Microsoft, Bot, Chatbot, Bot Framework, Teams, Microsoft Teams, ML.NET, Machine Learning, AI, Artificial Intelligence, C#,C Sharp, NLP, Natural Language Programming, Robot

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Create an Azure Document Queue for Loading and Tagging SharePoint Documents - Part 2



In my last post, we created a client application that reads our file systems and creates an Azure queue item for uploading our data to SharePoint which can be found here: https://fiveminutecoder.blogspot.com/2020/10/creating-azure-document-queue-for.html 

We did this to get around limitations in SharePoint Online that cause throttling when trying to create large batches of document uploads. The second part will cover creating a web job that continuously checks the queue for new items and when it discovers these items the job will perform the upload to SharePoint.

**It is worth noting, that .NET 5 has recently came out and this post uses it. Unfortunately .NET standard and .NET 5 do not support cookie based authentication, username/password, anymore and require Azure AD integrations. So this solution turned from a 5 minute demo to a 10 minute demo. Mostly because of the configuration in Azure, and switching from CSOM . The code for Graph adds additional steps because you need site and list ids instead of using the name which CSOM supported. This is the way Microsoft recommends so I updated the code to reflect those changes**

Prepping SharePoint

Before we can create our job we need a destination. If you do not have a SharePoint environment please sign up for a free account here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program . Once you have an account, we need to create our library. To do this go to site contents -> new -> document library and create a new document library called "CustomerDocs". With our library created, we need to create our 3 columns"State, City, AccountNumber". Please make sure to use list settings to create the columns. If you use the new column button on the library home page the internal column names will not match and you will need to find them. Creating the columns in library settings our internal columns names will match what we type in. It is also important to point out to not use spaces when creating the columns. This will cause some URL encoding in the column name making it harder to develop. Once the column is created you can change the name without affecting the internal name.

Prepping Azure

Azure AD comes free with your O365 subscription, and this is where we will register our app. Login to Azure and go to Azure Active Directory. From there you will find "App Registrations". This is where we will register our new app that will upload our documents.

we will name our app something we will remember, I chose Graph API Document Upload. We will then set our supported account type. This setting will not matter for us since we will use a token to access the API, so choose "Accounts in this organizational directory only" so that it is secure. You can leave the web blank, we will set that up next.

Once your app is created note the Application ID and Directory ID in the overview section, we will need these for our app to authenticate. Moving down the left hand navigation click Authentication. If you don't have a platform, click add platform, and select web.

It will then ask for a redirect URL. We can put anything in here since our app will not be using Azure AD credentials to login, we want the token. So I just put https://localhost. What we want form our platfomr is the implicit grant token. Find the section that says Implicit grant and check the boxes for access tokens and ID tokens, and save.

Continuing down the left navigation click on Certificates and secrets. From here, click click New Client Secret. This is a one time code, if you do not capture it when creating you will need to create another one.

Finally we can give our app permissions to SharePoint. In the left navigation, go to API permissions. You should see the default permission for graph "User.Read" we will click add permission. Find Graph API. 

We want Application permission and then search Sites. Expand and give Sites.ReadWrite.All. Manage all will also work if you do not want to use the preview.

Finally, we need to grant the app permission. At the top next to "Add a permission" click Grant admin consent for...

Azure is now configured for our application.

 Creating a Web Job in 5 minutes

A web job is just a console application that runs on a background process of an azure web application. These jobs can be set to run in intervals or continuously. Jobs will also scale with the azure web service, giving you more instances as you scale out your web application.

Since we will be creating a web job in 5 minutes, this blog post will not go into details about configuring the job using code, we will focus on configuration using the portal instead.

To start, we will create a new console application and name is "SharePointMIgration_WebJob". Our web job will require several nuget packages. We will use O365 Graph API to perform our document upload operations. 

Packages to install:

  • Microsoft.Graph.Core
  • Microsoft.Graph
  • Microsoft.Identity.Client
  • Azure.Storage.Blobs
  • Azure.Storage.Queues

Now that we have our nuget packages installed, we can start developing our web job. For the most part, our process will just be the reverse of adding items to the queue. We will need to manage the queue by popping items when finished uploading to SharePoint. We will need to bring over our CustomerMetadata model we created in the first part of this blog since it represents our queue data.

namespace SharePointMigration_WebJob
    public class CustomerMetadata
        public string State {get; set;}
        public string City {get;set;}
        public string AccountNumber {get;set;}
        public string FileName {get;set;}

Now that we have our data model covered, we will want to pull our data from our queue. The Azure queue has some interesting features, we can peek or receive an item in the queue. Peek allows us to look without a locking the item, while receive will put a temporary hold on the item so other jobs cannot receive or pop the item from the queue. The queue also allows us to do batch requests, this will help with throttling the queue. Our queue function will take two parameters one for the number of messages we want to receive from the queue and how long we want to lock the queue. In our example we will want to load a document every 10 seconds, which comes to approximately 30 documents every 5 minutes. In our function the parameters will be set to the defaults of 1 message and a lock of 30 seconds. When we call the function, it will pull a larger batch.

public static async Task GetFileMetaDataFromQueue(int MessageCount=1, int QueueLock=60)
	//calls the queue and pulls messages for processing
	QueueMessage[] queueMessages = await queue.ReceiveMessagesAsync(MessageCount, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(QueueLock));
	return queueMessages;

Now that we have our queue items, we will need to get the document that is associated with the queue. Documents are returned as streams, and the Graph API expects a stream to write to SharePoint. So we will just return the stream from our blob storage.

public static async Task GetFileFromAzureBlob(string FileName)
	BlobClient blobClient = new BlobClient(cs, "customer", FileName);

	using (BlobDownloadInfo downloadInfo = await blobClient.DownloadAsync())
		MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
		return stream;

Pulling metadata and documents from Azure queue is straight forward, the Graph API is not. In older SharePoint libraries (SSOM, CSOM, JSOM) you could get sites and libraries by title. With Graph everything is ID based. That means we need to get our site, library, and folder ids before we can add/update SharePoint. These do not result in additional calls, CSOM required us to pull them first as well, but it does make it more challenging to code. Before we can get our IDs we need to setup Graph to use our new app credentials. To do this we will create a function that authenticates to Azure and returns our token.

public static async Task GetGraphAPIToken()
	string tenantId = ""; //realm
	//some service account to upload docs. Documents cannot use app
	string clientId = ""; 
	//service account password
	string clientSecret = ""; 
	string[] scopes = new string[] {"https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" };
	IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)
				.WithAuthority(new Uri("https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenantId))

		AuthenticationResult result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();

		//result contains an ExpiresOn property which can be used to cache token
		return result.AccessToken;

Now that we can pull our token, we will create a function that pulls our Ids. We only need to do this once and will call it at the beginning our our main function to reduce the amount of calls to the Graph API. The Ids are stored in fields so they can be accessed by other functions.

public static async Task GetSiteandListIDs()
	//Crate our graph client
	GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0", new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
		async(requestMessage) =>{
			string token = await GetGraphAPIToken();
			requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);

	//Gets the root site, if your library lives somewhere else you will need the collection and find it.
	var sites = await graphClient.Sites.Root.Request().GetAsync();
	siteId = sites.Id;

	//gets all libraries. Since our app is written in 5 minutes it is easier to filter the entire collection
	var libraries = await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives.Request().GetAsync();
	var library = libraries.First(f => f.Name == "CustomerDocs");

	libraryId = library.Id;

	// gets root folder of our library
	var rootFolder = await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[libraryId].Root.Request().GetAsync();

	rootFolderId = rootFolder.Id;

We are ready to start uploading documents to SharePoint. We will follow similar steps for uploading documents as we did for getting our Ids. It is important to note that O365 now refers to libraries as drives. This is because the same functionality can be applied to OneDrive and Teams, which are all backed by SharePoint libraries.

public static async Task UploadDocumentToSharePoint(Stream FileStream, CustomerMetadata Metadata)
	//Gets graph client. We get this each time to make sure our token is not expired
	GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0", new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
		async(requestMessage) =>{
			string token = await GetGraphAPIToken();
			requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);

	//Uploads our file to our library
	DriveItem createDocument = await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[libraryId].Items[rootFolderId].ItemWithPath(Metadata.FileName).Content.Request().PutAsync(FileStream);
	//Our metadata for our document
	FieldValueSet custData = new FieldValueSet{
		AdditionalData = new Dictionary()
			{"State", Metadata.State},
			{"City", Metadata.City},
			{"AccountNumber", Metadata.AccountNumber}

	//sets the metada properites for our item
	await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[libraryId].Items[rootFolderId].ItemWithPath(Metadata.FileName).ListItem.Fields.Request().UpdateAsync(custData);

	//try checking in file, some libraries it is required 
		await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[libraryId].Items[createDocument.Id].Checkin().Request().PostAsync();
	catch(Exception ex){
		//ignoring this error becuase library is not set for checkin/out
		if(!ex.Message.Contains("The file is not checked out"))
			throw ex;

Our documents now sit in SharePoint with metadata. The last thing to do is clean up our queues. Remember Microsoft charges an average amount that is in our blob storage, so keeping it with minimal documents as possible will keep costs down. We will use our PopReceipt and MessageId to remove any queue items. We dont want them back in the queue looking for items again, that will break our loop.

public static async Task RemoveItemFromQueue(string MessageId, string Receipt)
	await queue.DeleteMessageAsync(MessageId, Receipt);

public static async Task RemoveDocumentFromQueue(string FileName)
	BlobClient blobClient = new BlobClient(cs, "customer", FileName);
	await blobClient.DeleteAsync();

Now that we have all our functions we can put our main loop together. This is a continuous job, so all of our logic will sit in a while loop to keep it running forever. We will get our Ids from the Graph API, and then pull from the queue. Once we have the queue we loop through our items and upload to SharePoint. We will sleep every once and awhile to make sure our app runs at an appropriate speed for SharePoint and eliminate any throttling.

//making this a property so we do not have to keep recreating the object
static QueueClient queue; 
//connection string to our storage account, it is shared between blobs and queues.
static string cs = "";

//The site ID our library lives in
static string siteId = "";
//The ID of the library
static string libraryId = "";
//The ID of the root folder in the library
static string rootFolderId = "";

static async Task Main(string[] args)
	queue = new QueueClient(cs, "customer");
	int batchMessageCount = 30; //number of items to pull from queue at once
	int queueLock = batchMessageCount * 10; //number of batches time 10 since each message will take 10 seconds to process.

	await GetSiteandListIDs();

	//Creating an infinite loop for our continuous job
		DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
			Console.WriteLine("Getting queue");
			QueueMessage[] messages = await GetFileMetaDataFromQueue(batchMessageCount, queueLock);
			Console.WriteLine("Found {0} items in the queue", messages.Length);
			foreach(QueueMessage message in messages)
				//our cleint job encoded the message, this will decode it
				string data = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(message.MessageText);
				CustomerMetadata customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data);

				Console.WriteLine("Pulling document {0}", customer.FileName);
				using(MemoryStream document = await GetFileFromAzureBlob(customer.FileName))
					Console.WriteLine("Uploading document {0}", customer.FileName);
					await UploadDocumentToSharePoint(document, customer);

				Console.WriteLine("Upload was successful, removing {0} from the queue", customer.FileName);
				//remove message from queue so it doesnt get pulled again since we were successful
				await RemoveItemFromQueue(message.MessageId, message.PopReceipt);
				//remove document from storage
				await RemoveDocumentFromQueue(customer.FileName);

				//sleep 10 seconds before next call to sharepoint to prevent throttling.
		catch(Exception ex)
			Console.WriteLine("Error writing queue to SharePoint: " + ex.Message);

		Console.WriteLine("Finished with current queue list, will wait 5 minutes from last call");
		//we want our job to sleep if it takes less than 5 minutes to process the queue. This is to prevent throttling
		DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
		double totalMinutes = endTime.Subtract(startTime).TotalMinutes;

		if(totalMinutes < 5)
			double sleepTime = (5-totalMinutes) * 60000;

Deploying our Web Job

With our web job complete we need to publish it to Azure. To do do this, we just need to create a release and zip the contents. To create a realease, run the command below:

dotnet publish -c Release

Next we need to add our web job to our Azure web app. If you do not have a web app in Azure you can create one for free. One thing to note, is a web job runs on a schedule so for this demo a free account will work to test our job. A web job will not run in a production environment unless your app is set to be "always on". Which is not allowed in a free version.

Once your application is created, find the web jobs section under setting in the left navigation.

Select "Add" at the top and enter a friendly name; I chose SPSync. Next select the file to upload. From the upload screen go to where you published the .NET project, which should be the bin folder of your web job project if you followed this tutorial. In the bin folder you will see a release folder. Click in and depending on your dotnet core version you should see another file, mine says ".net 5.0.Zip". Zip this file up and upload the zip.

Lastly, let us set the job to continuous so it will continuously check our queue for new documents.

Once our job publishes, you will see its status changed to running. Click into the logs to review that items are loading. Go back to your queue and the documents will be gone!

Clone the project

You can find the full project on my GitHub site here https://github.com/fiveminutecoder/blogs/tree/master/SharePointMigration_WebJob

Azure, SharePoint, O365, SP, C#, Storage, Storage Account, Blob Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Storage Account, Azure Blob Storage Account, Azure Queue, Azure Queue Account, Queue, Serverless development, devleopment c sharp, 429, throttling, SharePoint Online, Office 365
C#, C sharp, machine learning, ML.NET, dotnet core, dotnet, O365, Office 365, developer, development, Azure, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, NLP, Natural Language Programming, Microsoft, SharePoint, Teams, custom software development, sharepoint specialist, chat GPT,artificial intelligence, AI

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